Another trip around the sun. Another year older, maybe wiser, more tired, less impressed with the things that used to impress me, more impressed with the things that used to didn't. Actually, I wouldn't change a thing. zero, zip, nada. How many people can say that? Actually, everyone can say it, but not too many do — and mean it. In the past, on my birthday, I've looked at the year ahead and made plans, set goals, and used various devices to try to insure that they were achieved. This year, not doin that. I am opening my arms wide, looking up at the sky and saying "hallelujah! I am alive, healthy, grateful, open and willing to take this year's journey, this day's journey. Let it unfold."
Look at how utterly amazing the past year has been. From the solar eclipse at Mount Shasta to wonderful SF including UC Berkeley extension, an exhibit, shopping, great food, Contemporary Jewish Museum, de Young, MOMA and more, on to galleries in LA, a trip to NYC including Mood and the city stops to mourn Steve Jobs, a magnificent week at Reed College for a lettering art conference, Carmel, Florida and good old Tracy, art and more art, my husband, my daughter, my son and daughter-in-law, a grandson, my new Indian family, my sister, brother, and sister-in-law, my mom, dear friends and so much more. Tears, fears, and amazing joy and gratitude.